Centaur's Worries

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Centaur's Worries
Centaur's Worries

Being a teenager is never easy. Especially for a centaur! Himeno is a sweet, shy girl, who like many teens her age, struggles with the trials and tribulations of attending high school. The difference is she's a centaur; but she's not alone. In fact, all of her classmates are supernatural creatures, sporting either horns, wings, tails, halos, or some other unearthly body appendage. Yet despite their fantastical natures, Himeno and her best friends—the dragon-winged Nozomi, and Kyoko with her spiraled horns—are down-to-earth, fun- loving teenagers who grapple with issues of life and love in a mostly normal daily school setting.

Être adolescent n'est jamais facile. Surtout pour un centaure! Himeno est une fille douce et timide, qui aime beaucoup son âge, lutte avec les épreuves et les tribulations de fréquenter l'école secondaire. La différence c'est qu'elle est un centaure; Mais elle n'est pas seule. En fait, tous ses camarades de classe sont des créatures surnaturelles, sportives soit des cornes, des ailes, des queue, des halos, soit un autre appendice de corps non-soaring. Pourtant, en dépit de leurs natures fantastiques, Himeno et ses meilleurs amis, Nozomi à l'aile de dragon et Kyoko avec ses cornes spirales, sont des adolescents amusants qui s'attaquent aux problèmes de vie et d'amour dans une école quotidienne la plupart du temps normale réglage.
from Manga Updates

Check out what else is airing this season. Découvrez ce que le reste est diffusée cette saison.


Alternative Names/Des Noms Alternatifs: Centaur no Nayami, A Centaur's Life
Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, School Life, Slice of Life
Demographic/Démographique: Seinen
Adapted from the manga/Adapté du manga, Centaur's Worries - Manga


Micahel Eh?

Other than mis-bent joints and world history which is not just paradox but runs out of logic half way through. How can one know that mankind never evolved, unless they did exist. A slice of life ... even if that life is different in form. Still worth watching.


decent enough fantasy-themed slice-of-life school anime. 1st episode seemed kinda innocent, but i'm informed that it doesn't stay that way in future episodes.


This anime started off with an interesting premise, with multiple anthropromorphic species.

Unfortunately, this anime does have some plot holes. For example, they supposedly say that only species with 6 limbs evolved, but then why do they have goat/cat people (with 2 arms, 2 legs)?

Also, the implication is made that all of these different species are supposed to be interconnected, which is difficult to see.

All in all, it looked interesting, but unless you are into the whole animal-person mix, it's probably not of interest to you.

Club Notes/Remarques du Club

Date Reviewed: Sept 14 2017

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No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes. The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.
Aucune infraction vise et cet article est purement à titre informatif. Les images de la série sont à titre indicatif seulement.