Sentai Dai Shikkaku

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Sentai Dai Shikkaku
Sentai Dai Shikkaku
Sentai Dai Shikkaku - Manga
Sentai Dai Shikkaku - Manga
Sentai Dai Shikkaku
Sentai Dai Shikkaku

Who is the Hero and whos is the villain?
When the Monster Army invaded Earth thirteen years ago, the Divine Dragon Rangers rose up to stop them. With the war raging on, these great heroes are mankind’s last hope or are they? In truth, the invaders were subjugated within a year, forced to continue to crank out a monster a week for the Rangers to crush in front of their adoring fans! But one monster has had enough. Something has to change! He’ll rebel against the might of the Dragon Rangers and destroy them all from the inside.

Qui est le héros et qui est le méchant ?
Lorsque l'Armée des Monstres a envahi la Terre il y a treize ans, les Divine Dragon Rangers se sont levés pour les arrêter. Alors que la guerre fait rage, ces grands héros sont le dernier espoir de l’humanité, n’est-ce pas ? En vérité, les envahisseurs ont été subjugués en un an, obligés de continuer à produire un monstre par semaine pour que les Rangers l'écrasent devant leurs fans adorateurs ! Mais un monstre en a assez. Quelque chose doit changer ! Il se rebellera contre la puissance des Dragon Rangers et les détruira tous de l’intérieur.
from Mabga Updates

Check out what else is airing this Spring 2025 season.
Découvrez ce que le reste est diffusée cette Spring 2025 saison.


Alternative Names/Des Noms Alternatifs: Sentai Daishikkaku; Ranger Reject; Go, Go, Loser Ranger!
Author/Auteur: HARUBA Negi
Artist/Artiste: HARUBA Negi
Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama, Parody, Science Fiction, Sentai
Demographic/Démographique: Shounen
Adapted from the manga/Adapté du manga


Michael Eh?

This is the sleeper hit of the season. I nearly missed even noticing this show. It's the anime take on The Boys but the boys are Sentai team that is secret in charge of the very monsters they beat up each week. Devilish clever and twisted.


Deconstructing the Monster of the Week is a cool premise but it remains to be seen if the characterswill be worth watching for the rest of the series.


Here is a fun little Sentai parody. at first, i was trying to decide if it was stupid fun or just stupid. Everything is fairly spot on to a show like power rangers, but since its animated, we get more effects. Speaking of which, the animation quality is actually fairly good, and the characters are what you would expect from a sentai. all in all, it was a fun show, and I think i will give it the 3 episode watch to see if I want to watch further.

Mr. G


This is cute. I really enjoyed it. I didn't at first, but after a while it started really growing on me. I might check this show out on my own time. The animation, story, and music is all really good. The writing isn't half bad! Overall, better than usual.

Club Notes/Remarques du Club

Date Reviewed: June 11, 2024
Watched along with Re:Monster

External Links/Liens Externes

Official Website/Site officiel Japanese Twitter

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Manga Updates

No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes. The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.
Aucune infraction vise et cet article est purement à titre informatif. Les images de la série sont à titre indicatif seulement.