Kenka Dokugaku

Scrawny high school student Hobin Yoo is probably the last guy you’d expect to star in a NewTube Channel that revolves around fighting. But after following some advice from a mysterious NewTube channel, Hobin is soon knocking out guys stronger than him and raking in more money than he could have ever dreamed of. Can Hobin keep this up, or will he eventually meet his match?
Hobin Yoo, lycéen maigre, est probablement le dernier gars que vous vous attendez à jouer dans une chaîne NewTube qui tourne autour du combat. Mais après avoir suivi les conseils d'une mystérieuse chaîne NewTube, Hobin élimine bientôt des gars plus forts que lui et engrange plus d'argent qu'il n'aurait jamais pu rêver. Hobin pourra-t-il continuer ainsi, ou finira-t-il par rencontrer son égal ?
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Alternative Names/Des Noms Alternatifs: Viral Hit, How to Fight
Author/Auteur: PARK Taejoon
Artist/Artiste: KIM Jung hyun
Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama, Romance, School Life
Demographic/Démographique: Shounen
Adapted from the manhwa/Adapté du manhwa
I honestly hated this at first because the pacing is so breakneck I could barely breathe, but it seems like a so bad its good kinda thing. I'd be open for watching more but oh my God, it really doesn't slow down does it. I feel like I just watched an entire movie in 20 minutes.
Michael Eh?
The feeble tkaes on all comers. Fight night for anime but can he be the last man standing.
Interesting anime, would put it on list of anime to finish watching. Thought the anime style isn't my favorite as it older style that remind of of GTO.
Mr. G
Animation feels like it was done on a budget. Characters are stiff, lots of panning and zooming to give the impression of movement. Art is noticeably better in the action scenes. Subject matter is generally of a rather serious nature. Love the twist at the end of the first episode.
Fast-moving, gritty and showing promise of going to some fairly dark places -- this is definitely not the kind of high school anime I've grown to expect. Not my favourite type of show, but lovers of serious adolescent drama might just make this a hit.
Club Notes/Remarques du Club
Date Reviewed: May 7, 2024
Watched along with The Fable
External Links/Liens Externes
Official Website/Site officiel Japanese Twitter
Manga Updates
No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes. The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.
Aucune infraction vise et cet article est purement à titre informatif. Les images de la série sont à titre indicatif seulement.