Hikari no Ou

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Hikari no Ou
Hikari no Ou
Hikari no Ou
Hikari no Ou
Hikari no Ou
Hikari no Ou

A great forest, infested with flameling creatures and other fallen beasts, covers the world, and pockets of humanity live in small protected communities. Due to a special weapon used in the Last War, human beings spontaneously burst into flame even when merely getting close to a small source of fire. The only safe energy source for humanity lies within the bodies of flamelings, and the duty to hunt them falls to the sickle-wielding firecatchers who brave the depths of the great forest. Among the firecatchers, they whisper tales of one who would be "Firecatcher Lord," an individual who will be able to harvest the fire of the thousand-year comet, the "Wandering Spark" that has flown in the sky since it was sent up before the Last War, but is now returning to earth.

Une grande forêt, infestée de créatures flamboyantes et d'autres bêtes déchues, couvre le monde, et des poches d'humanité vivent dans de petites communautés protégées. Grâce à une arme spéciale utilisée lors de la dernière guerre, les êtres humains s'enflamment spontanément même en s'approchant simplement d'une petite source de feu. La seule source d'énergie sûre pour l'humanité se trouve dans le corps des flambeaux, et le devoir de les chasser incombe aux pompiers armés de faucilles qui bravent les profondeurs de la grande forêt. Parmi les attrape-feu, ils chuchotent des histoires sur celui qui serait "Firecatcher Lord", un individu qui pourra récolter le feu de la comète millénaire, l'"Etincelle errante" qui a volé dans le ciel depuis son envoi. avant la dernière guerre, mais revient maintenant sur terre.
from aniDB

Check out what else is airing this Winter 2024 season.
Découvrez ce que le reste est diffusée cette Winter 2024 saison.


Alternative Names/Des Noms Alternatifs: The Fire Hunter
Author/Auteur: Rieko Hinata
Artist/Artiste: Akihiro Yamada
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Supernatural
Demographic/Démographique: Seinen
Adapted from light novel series/Adapté de la série de roman de lumière,


Michael Eh?

It introduces a well crafted world setting thoughly while progressing the story well. The animation style is excellent but may put off some for not being 'toon'ish like other productions we used to. The characters aren't too likeable but then they a work a pathos and tragedy. How the two main characters interact is also questionable as they haven't met yet. Not bad but it will remain to seen how the other episodes pan out.


I don't know how I managed to miss this one, because it is brilliant. The lore of the world is intriguing, it has a gritty style, there is a fair amount of depth to characters and their relations, and I like the art style. I guess my only complaint is that I'm not exactly fond of the voice for the girl that serves as the protagonist. It's not a deal breaker, but the voice sounds a bit too "moe" for the theme of the setting. Definitely recommended.


Well-written, based on a very original and really creepy concept. Doesn't seem to promise much in the way of light entertainment.


Very creative story. I am interested in finishing the series when I get home.

Club Notes/Remarques du Club

Date Reviewed: January 9th 2024
Watched along with Sasaki no Pii-chan

External Links/Liens Externes

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No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes. The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.
Aucune infraction vise et cet article est purement à titre informatif. Les images de la série sont à titre indicatif seulement.