Hibike! Euphonium

The Kitauji high school wind instrument club had at one time participated in national tournaments and was a champion school, but after the club's adviser changed, they have not been able to even participate in the qualifying tournament. Under the strict leadership of Taki, a substitute for Ms. Rikako, they steadily build up their strength. As they fight over who plays solos, some students give priority to studying and quit club activities. Finally, the long wished-for day of the contest arrives.
Le club d'instruments à vent de l'école secondaire Kitauji avait à un moment participé à des tournois nationaux et était une école de champion, mais après le conseiller du club a changé, ils ont même pas pu participer au tournoi de qualification. Sous la direction stricte de Taki, un substitut à Mme Rikako, ils construisent progressivement leur force. Comme ils se disputent qui joue solos, certains élèves donnent la priorité à l'étude et à cesser les activités du club. Enfin, la journée a souhaité-pour du concours arrive.
from Wikipedia
Check out what else is airing this Spring 2024 season. Découvrez ce que le reste est diffusée cette Spring 2024 saison.![]()
Alternative Names/Des Noms Alternatifs: Hibike! Euphorium - Kitauji Koukou Suisougakubu e Youkoso , Sound! Euphonium Welcome to Kitauji High School's Musical Instrument Club
Author/Auteur: Ayano Takeda
Artist/Artiste: Nikki Asada
Genre: Music, School Life, Slice of Life
Demographic/Démographique: Shounen
Adapted from light novel series/Adapté de la série de roman de lumière,
interesting characters. good dialog. if i was into "school-life" anime, this would make my list.
I thought I'd like a show about the band, which is all I joined in high school; I did like the characters. But there's almost no story, so I won't be looking for more of this.
a show about blowing your own horn
Michael Eh?
the After School "school" series. Being in school band myself, it brings back memories... not necessary good. I pity the professional musicians who have to recreate the sound track of a bad beginner school band. LOL
This is one of the best new series for the Spring 2015 season. This is basically Kyoto Animation taking their lessons learned from their top tier shows over the past few years (Free's focus on character interactions, Hyouka's gorgeous animation, Chuunibyou's first season sense of fun while showing depth of character) adding in top notch sound engineering (different people playing the same instrument actually sound different in realistic, subtle ways) to create one of their best takes on their own K-On! formula. While people with musical training will probably get the most enjoyment (and nostalgic pain) out of the show it doesn't cram so much terminology down your throat that non-musicians won't be able to sit through it either.
Edit (June 16, 2015): Holy crap, when Kyoto Animation is on fire they're ON FIRE! Having watched up to the end of the 11th episode (out of a planned 12) Hibike! Euphonium is almost inarguably Kyoto Animation's best work since Clannad and Clannad: After Story and may be in the contention for one of the single best series of the 2010s. This series serves as the pinnacle of slice-of-life K-On! style shows by its masterful handling of character relationships and motivations and shows why Kyoto Animation is at the top of Japan's best production studios.
Club Notes/Remarques du Club
Date Reviewed: May 13th 2015
Hibike! Euphonium]]
Hibike! Euphonium 2]]
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No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes. The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.
Aucune infraction vise et cet article est purement à titre informatif. Les images de la série sont à titre indicatif seulement.