Giji Harem

Eiji Kitahama, a second year high school student, just wants to be popular. To help him realize this dream, Rin Nanakura, his junior in the drama club, uses her acting skills to create a harem of loving girls for him. Though the various "girls" all show fondness toward Eiji, the affection of the actress behind them is very real. Rin's colorful acting continuously delights Eiji, but will the starlet herself ever make her way into his heart?
Eiji Kitahama, un lycéen de deuxième année, veut juste être populaire. Pour l'aider à réaliser ce rêve, Rin Nanakura, sa cadette dans le club de théâtre, utilise ses talents d'actrice pour créer pour lui un harem de filles aimantes. Bien que les différentes « filles » montrent toutes de l’affection envers Eiji, l’affection de l’actrice derrière elles est bien réelle. Le jeu coloré de Rin ravit continuellement Eiji, mais la starlette elle-même parviendra-t-elle un jour à se frayer un chemin dans son cœur ?
from MAL
Check out what else is airing this Summer 2024 season. Découvrez ce que le reste est diffusée cette Summer 2024 saison.![]()
Alternative Names/Des Noms Alternatifs: Pseudo Harem
Author/Auteur: SAITOU Yuu
Artist/Artiste: SAITOU Yuu
Genre: Comedy, Romance, School Life, Slice of Life
Demographic/Démographique: Shounen
Adapted from the manga/Adapté du manga
Michael Eh?
A harem anime of one? I didn't think I would like harem anime but this one takes the cake by having one person act out all the stereotypes. This is the rom com we always wanted ... maybe.
The dialogue is snappy and the leads are certainly likeable and cute, but they have no depth at all. But if this were a show about adults with some backstory it could have been really amazing.
Mr. G
Nice slice of life rom-com involving two kids in the high school acting club. The "harem" in the show comes from the acting ability of the female lead to portray the various personality tropes common in anime. The character art has this really nice rough around the edges look, that makes it seem like a manga come to life. The writing is very charming and upbeat.
Club Notes/Remarques du Club
Date Reviewed: August 13, 2024
Watched along with Nanare Hananare
External Links/Liens Externes
Official Website/Site officiel Japanese Twitter
Manga Updates
No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes. The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.
Aucune infraction vise et cet article est purement à titre informatif. Les images de la série sont à titre indicatif seulement.