Galaxy Angel Party

The Angel Troupe is just about done with their current mission to deliver over a million dollars to the Bank of Transbaal, when Milfeulle accidentally opens the hatch and loses it in space. In order to keep their jobs, the Angel Troupe needs to raise money, and fast!
Read this and other exciting adventures by some of Japan’s most talented artists!
from Broccoli Books
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Author: Kanan, Various
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Parody, Romance, Science Fiction
Demographic: Shounen
Adapted from the anime, Galaxy Angel. Official parody of Galaxy Angel series. Side story to the manga, Galaxy Angel and Galaxy Angel Beta.
No Reviews at this time.
External Links
Official Website [Japanese]
Broccoli Books
Broccoli International USA shut down Dec 31, 2008. Please check with store(s) for current inventory availability.
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The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.