Estab Life

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Estab Life: Great Escape
Estab Life: Great Escape

After reaching its peak, Earth's population fell into decline. AI was developed to help preserve the species and manage the ecosystem; a grand experiment in human diversity. Through genetic engineering, a diverse array of peoples, including beastfolk, magical beings, and more, was created to live in a diverse city separated into walled "clusters". Each cluster developed a unique culture, befitting of the people that lived there. Their lives, and the system, is continually maintained by the AI to ensure survival.

Après avoir atteint son apogée, la population de la Terre est tombée en déclin. L'IA a été développée pour aider à préserver l'espèce et à gérer l'écosystème ; une grande expérience de la diversité humaine. Grâce au génie génétique, un large éventail de peuples, y compris des hommes-bêtes, des êtres magiques et bien d'autres, a été créé pour vivre dans une ville diversifiée séparée en "groupes" fortifiés. Chaque groupe a développé une culture unique, digne des personnes qui y vivaient. Leur vie et le système sont continuellement entretenus par l'IA pour assurer leur survie.
from MAL

Check out what else is airing this Spring 2022 season.
Découvrez ce que le reste est diffusée cette Spring 2022 saison.


Genre: Action, Fantasy, Game, Science Fiction
Adapted from the game/Adapté du jeu



Normally, I dont care for the CG anime, but this wasnt too bad on the rendering. I laughed a few times, and the action was pretty engrosing. Th characters were mostly tropes without growth, but it worked well enough for the first episode.

Michael Eh?

the 3D animation doesn't get in way of this story The odd ball troop of characters make it workable team though the furry character could have better had better lines than Scooby Doo. The A-Team of anime... almost.


i thot it was relly funny and. it was relly cool. all in aii i in joined it.


i thought it was really good, i liked the action.

Mr. G

Missed the first five or ten minutes, but it seems like high schoolers doing shadowrun style extractions, with some fantasy elements? Sentient slime, technomagic, etc.

Club Notes/Remarques du Club

Date Reviewed: June 14 2022

External Links/Liens Externes

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No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes. The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.
Aucune infraction vise et cet article est purement à titre informatif. Les images de la série sont à titre indicatif seulement.