Boogiepop Doesn't Laugh

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Boogiepop Doesn't Laugh

This prequel to the very popular Boogiepop Phantom series deals with the sudden disappearance of several female students at Shinyo Academy. Are they runaways, abductees, or murder victims? Couple this mystery with the sudden appearance of a mysterious apparition known only as Boogiepop, and even more questions arise in the mind of Keiji, a student who can see and converse with the strange spectre. Who or what is Boogiepop? Is he responsible for the abductions, or is he trying to stop them? Why does he have the appearance of Keji's girlfriend, Touka?
from IGN
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Alternative Names: Boogiepop Never Laughs, Boogiepop wa Warawanai
Author: KADONO Kouhei
Artist: OGATA Kouji
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, School Life, Supernatural
Demographic: Seinen
Based on a series of light novels. Manga adaptation of light novel, Boogiepop and Others which was also adapted into live-action movie.


No Reviews at this time.

External Links

Official Website [Japanese]
Seaven Seas

Manga Updates
Anime News Network

No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes.
The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.