Binbougami ga! - Manga
Sakura Ichiko is a 16-year-old girl who leads a charmed life and is blessed with beauty, brains, and health. She has an abundance of “Happiness Energy”, which can make people happy, but at the cost of absorbing all the “Happiness Energy” from her surroundings. She has caused the energy balance of the world to become unbalanced and because of this, she becomes the target of a Poverty God named Momiji. Momiji's goal is to remove Ichiko’s power of absorbing other people’s Happiness Energy and to return all the energy she has taken to its rightful place.
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Alternative Names: The God of Poverty Is!, The Poverty God, God of Misfortune!
Author: SUKENO Yoshiaki
Artist: SUKENO Yoshiaki
Genre: Action, Comedy, Fantasy, School Life, Supernatural
Demographic: Shounen
Adapted into the anime, Binbougami ga!
No Reviews at this time.
External Links
Official Website [Japanese]
Manga Updates
Anime News Network
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