Aho Girl

Yoshiko, a genuinely stupid girl (she can even manage to get all 0's on multiple choice tests). She hangs out at school with her childhood friend, who she claims to like, and he has to put up with all her ridiculous behavior!
Yoshiko, une fille véritablement stupide (elle peut même réussir à obtenir tous les 0 sur les tests à choix multiples). Elle collabore à l'école avec son ami d'enfance, qu'elle prétend aimer, et il doit supporter tout son comportement ridicule!
from Manga Updates
Check out what else is airing this season. Découvrez ce que le reste est diffusée cette saison.![]()
Alternative Names/Des Noms Alternatifs: Ahogaru: Clueless Girl, Dumb Girl
Genre: Comedy, Romance, School Life
Demographic/Démographique: Shounen
Adapted from the manga/Adapté du manga, Aho Girl - Manga
Michael Eh?
Ditzy, low brow humour.
Ah yes, the superpowered version of stupidity. (And if that sounds contradictory, two words -- Oval Office.)
Actually, you don't really need to be an idiot to enjoy this, but I'm sure it would help -- a lot.
Don't feel like learning a plot?
Want to laugh until until you cant breathe?
This is for you.
Like I said, this is a "turn-your-brain-off-and-laugh" type of comedy. These are basically the anime equivalent of the three stooges. It's the same slapstick formula over and over again, but for some reason, you always laugh without knowing why it's still funny after seeing it so much.
an enjoyable bit of fluff. she reminds me of a minion.
this anime was quite upbeat and silly. I enjoyed the art style and Yoshiko's love for bananas.
Club Notes/Remarques du Club
Date Reviewed:August 23 2017
External Links/Liens Externes
Official Website/Site officiel Japanese Twitter
Anime News Network
Manga Updates
No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes. The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.
Aucune infraction vise et cet article est purement à titre informatif. Les images de la série sont à titre indicatif seulement.