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K-On!'s story revolves around four Japanese high school girls who join their school's light music club to try to save it from being abolished. However, they are the only members of the club, and none of them have any experience playing musical instruments or reading sheet music.

L'histoire de K-On! tourne autour de quatre lycéennes japonaises qui rejoignent le club de musique légère de leur école pour tenter de le sauver de l'abolition. Cependant, ils sont les seuls membres du club et aucun d'entre eux n'a d'expérience en jouant d'un instrument de musique ou en lisant des partitions.
from Wikipedia

Check out what else is airing this Spring 2009 season.
Découvrez ce que le reste est diffusée cette Spring 2009 saison.


Alternative Names: Keion!
Genre: Comedy, Music, School Life
Demographic: Seinen
Adapted from the 4 koma manga, K-on! - Manga


Michael Eh?

Not as aimless as Lucky Star but not as cute as Lucky Star either. I thought the band would sound totally horrible but the sound was okay ... but that's before they they add their clueless guitarist. This needs a couple of episodes before deciding whither it's going to be a good high school comedy.


Better than Beck, cuter too.


kawaii overdose


The high school setting doesn't do anything for me, but high-strung klutzes are usually pretty funny, so it's a definitely watch more of this.

Club Notes

Review Date: May 10th 2009

External Links

Official Website Japanese

Manga Updates

No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes.
The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.