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In the city of Ergastulum, a shady ville filled with made men and petty thieves, whores on the make and cops on the take, there are some deeds too dirty for even its jaded inhabitants to touch. Enter the “Handymen,” Nic and Worick, who take care of the jobs no one else will handle. Until the day when a cop they know on the force requests their help in taking down a new gang muscling in on the territory of a top Mafia family. It seems like business (and mayhem) as usual, but the Handymen are about to find that this job is a lot more than they bargained for.
from Viz

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Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Mature
Demographic: Seinen
adapted from the manga, Gangsta. - Manga


Michael Eh?

Loving the music... if rest of this show is top notch as well. Seeing sign language in any show is significant. Brutal yet beautiful.


kinda like this one. still dropped out b4 the season ended, tho'


What's black and gray and red all over? A show in serious need of some likable characters. With one or two of those, it would really hold my interest; otherwise, I'll wait for something better.

Club Notes

Date Reviewed: September 23 2015

External Links

Official Website Japanese


Anime News Network
Manga Updates

No infringement is intended and this article is purely for informational purposes.
The images of the series are for indicative purposes only.